Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dat youtube edition, yo. (Sub #4)

Late posts for late people. Aw yeah.
Also known as the video game nerd edition.
Also known as the mainly youtube edition.

We start off, with the Cookie Monster sponsor.

We all love that blue sunnovagun, and the PR scheme that went into Elmo and Cookie Monster's game was flawless, especially when you pull industry genius Tim Schafer into the mix. The humor in this is really goofy, but based enough in truth to make it funny, because let's be honest, there are way to many zombie games out there. The way Cookie Monster is portrayed causes a sense of fear in Tim's character, a small time developer looking to make a hit in the gaming world in the easiest way, zombies. Zombies have been making a huge wave in the media lately, with cult movies like Sean of the Dead, video games such Dead Island, and even television series (I'm looking at you Walking Dead) The zombie genre may be played a bit to hard as of late but it seems like its starting to lose some steam, as Cookie Monster relays to Tim, who reacts quickly "Did I say Zombies? I meant..Uh..Monsters!"

Minecraft's cult following gets a bit cinematic with this video, a lonely lumber jack finds a furry friend one day while out in the forest. Immediatley smitten with him he brings the young pup home for companionship. While a fairly long youtube video, running for about 10 minutes it can't help but convey the feeling of mans every long search for companionship and social interaction.

We love time killers, and this is one of the best out there. Screw around with bomomo for about 5 minutes and you'll feel as though you've created a masterpiece of art, despite the fact that it looks like a 5 year olds finger paints.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Vivir, Sonar, Leer has done one of the things I've wanted to do for  long while now, return to middle school and test if the teachers really do remember you. I digress, they detail and examination of each section of This American Life is a stupendous achievement, I've rarely seen a highschooler write this well, nor with this much intrigue. Top notch work to them indeed.

Wicked lovely's simple and brief hits on the sections of This American Life are perfect for a quick read if not much time is available but a general concept it required. Not to meaty of a read, but that is exactly what makes it unique and great.

Not bad of blogs either, both have worthy posts, despite how by the book they are with a lack of any real sense of personality.

On a completely unrelated note; I can't be thre only one who hates iTunes updates with a seething passion.

Monday, February 20, 2012

'Merican Daze

After my stint last week of being absent for two days out of the four day week I've fallen quite behind in some of my classes, no less etymology. The first day of a enw week and it's already a rough start, I lack the ability to speak at all for the first half an hour after I awaken, my headphones are no where to be found, and this iPhone needs a new update to its software, good thing I don't have iTunes on any of my computers at home.
      Anywho, last week we apparently began a series of posts about the This American Life podcast, and with me being completely incapacitated by fever, had no way of doing any of this. Now Monday has come and I find myself at a total loss of even where to begin on this, as such, this post will hopefully be noticed by Hill and maybe, just maybe, he'll take pity on me and void the other two posts about This American Life.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Classy, all up in this classroom (Links Week 2)

Couldn't make it to your yacht club's ball this fine evening? That's swell, as you don't need those socialites anyway. Simply sit down and open these links all at once, crack open a bottle of Heidsieck 1907 (Running about $275,000 a bottle, but no matter, that's simply walking around money), and relax as a true gentleman would.

(If not all tabs can be opened at the same time it loses all meaning)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Part Beta

Viewing others blogs and knocking 'em down a few pegs for a grade? Now this I can do, despite the fact my own blog is plagued with flaws.

-Here are my top 5 links for The Spartan Reader magazine.
After browsing my classmate's blogs, I have come up with 5 different links that I really enjoyed...

1) -This one if from Book Blathering

2) This is from, More Cowbell, Please ( Great series of photos def. one of my favorites)

3)The Next is on Don't Sweat my Swag. Any of the articles are interesting

4)The next one is an interesting one this is from WonderStruck

5) the Last link that was my personal favorite is from Lets get rich and give everybody  nice sweaters! -

As much as I love the guy in real life, Stephen Colbert Jr. shows no real detail in any of his links, merely a small thought on the link and then oving onto the next.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Week 5 Top list.
   Neat to find things lying around the place, especially when it's a deeply intimate note.
    You have a few moments to scrable items together before you dash out of your house from a newly lit fire. Very interesting site indeed.
    The home of the lego for grown ups game called minecraft. Designed and produced by Mojang it was an indie hit a year ago when I started playing it as a time killer, to a behemoth of the internet community. Definetely a better time killer that minesweeper or solitaire.